10 PHP Developer Skills To Further Your Developer Career

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Quick Summary
PHP is a widely used language in web development. It is usually embedded with HTML code that helps you create interactive web pages. From e-commerce platforms to social networking sites, many websites depend on PHP for their website functionality. This led them to hire PHP developer to ensure smooth operation.

However, web development technology continues to evolve. Hence, developers must remain consistent with their learning and practices to keep up with the changes.

In this blog, we will highlight 10 key skills that you should have a command on to boost your career. Mastering these skills will enable you to confidently and smoothly tackle complex projects.

Lift Your Developer Career: 10 Essential PHP Developer Skills

1. Core PHP Proficiency

A stronghold on basics is good, but you need to excel in the advanced PHP features in order to stand out


Namespaces allow a clear structure for you to separate code from different parts of your application. This helps to avoid any naming conflicts that may arise in a large project or shared space.


Use traits to enhance code reusability and minimize repetition. Include shared functionality in traits, making it possible to inherit them into your classes. This ensures an easy-to-manage codebase.


Develop encapsulated functions using closures to increase flexibility in defining functions. Closures capture variables from their surroundings. This allows efficient coding in specific situations.


Generators are very helpful when managing large data sets. They provide values one by one, cutting down memory usage significantly compared to usual methods that handle all data at once. This is especially helpful for tasks that use a lot of memory.

2. Modern PHP Frameworks

Popular frameworks like Laravel and Symfony are widely used in development for their strong foundation. They simplify the development process with ready-made components. Here’s how they improve your development experience:

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture

The MVC approach provides separate responsibilities, ensuring code organization and maintenance. Laravel and Symfony promote this structure, dividing your app logic (Model), interface (View), and controller (which manages user interaction and interacts with Model and View). Such separation enables separate development and testing of each part, making code maintenance easier.

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

Use ORMs for easier database tasks. They translate PHP objects to tables, letting you work with the database through objects rather than SQL. This reduces code repetition, speeds up development, and frees up your time to focus on app logic.


Frameworks define the paths that connect incoming URLs to distinct controller methods. This guarantees you guide users to the right features according to the requested URL. Smooth URL handling is important for a user-friendly experience.

Dependency Injection

Inject dependencies promote loose coupling between classes and enhance testability. It uses constructor arguments or method calls to create flexible and easily testable code. This simplifies unit testing and modular, reusable code.

3. Database Management And SQL

An in-depth understanding of relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL is needed to build secure web apps. These databases are used to store and manage the structured data:

Essential SQL Concepts

Learn essential SQL concepts for querying, manipulating, and optimizing data:

Data Manipulation

Learn how to extract data from tables using SELECT statements. Use INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to add, modify, or delete data records as required. These commands form the basic framework for managing interactions with your database.


Combine data from various tables using JOINs. JOINs help in finding related data from distinct tables in one query. This eliminates the need for multiple queries and enhances efficiency. Subqueries support this capability by enabling nested queries within others for complex data extraction. JOINs are really helpful in relational database operations, especially for fetching data from multiple tables.

Data Analysis

Use data aggregation functions such as SUM, AVG, and COUNT to effectively analyze your application’s data. These functions can assist in calculating sums, means, and totals, providing analysis of user actions and patterns within your app.

4. Version Control with Git: Collaborate and Track Changes

Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS). It is an invaluable tool for collaboration and effectively tracking code changes. Here’s how Git helps developers:

Core Git Commands

Know essential Git commands for adding, committing, and pushing code changes. Adding stage changes you’ve made to files while committing creates a snapshot of your codebase at a specific point in time. Pushing these commits to a remote repository (such as GitHub) enables collaboration with other developers and tracks the evolution of your codebase

Version control is crucial for managing changes and allows returning to previous versions if needed. It also ensures everyone on the team is on the same page about the codebase.

Branching And Merging

You can effectively manage diverse development streams with branching and merging techniques. Branching permits the creation of separate duplicates of your codebase for tackling new features or resolving issues without impacting the primary codebase.

This supports development and testing as well. Merging combines changes from branches into the main codebase, helping to blend work from various developers. Understanding branching and merging strategies is necessary for teamwork on big projects.

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Merging branches sometimes causes conflicts when the same lines of code are altered in both branches. Git offers tools for finding and resolving these conflicts, which ensures smooth integration. The best resolution of merge conflicts relies on effective developer communication and coordination.

Code Reviews And Collaboration

Git allows space for code reviews and collaboration among developers and coders. By uploading your code to a shared online storage, other developers can access your code and suggest inputs and changes. This promotes an environment of knowledge sharing and communication among team members.

5. Testing And Debugging

Making sure your code is reliable and error-free is very important. Here’s how you can effectively debug and test your PHP apps:

Unit Testing with PHPUnit

Try PHPUnit for unit testing. It checks individual code units (functions, classes) to ensure they work as planned. Early bug detection is crucial to prevent issues from spreading. Unit testing guarantees the accuracy of your app’s core components, promoting stability and reliability in your codebase.

Debugging Techniques

When bugs arise, use debugging techniques to find out why. Try tools like var_dump, print_r, and debuggers to check variables and values as your code runs. Also, look at error logs and stack traces for hints about what went wrong. Frameworks and IDEs usually have debugging tools built in to help you out. Getting good at debugging means you can fix problems fast and keep coding smoothly.

6. Web Server Configuration

Learn about fundamental setup documents such as Apache’s httpd.conf. This document helps set up different server features, including activating PHP modules and managing URL redirects. Understanding these documents gives you an idea of how to enhance your server’s efficiency and provide users with a smooth browsing experience. Efficient server setups ensure speedy content delivery and effective operation of PHP applications.

Knowing about web servers like Apache and Nginx helps deploy and handle PHP apps. These servers serve as middlemen, getting user requests and providing the right web content.

7. API Integration And Services

Web development often requires engagement with external APIs and services. Here’s how you can make the most out of these resources:

API Integration With Libraries

Using libraries such as Guzzle or cURL, interact with external APIs. They offer an easy way to make HTTP requests, retrieve data, and manage responses. Integration with external APIs increases the capabilities of PHP apps, providing users with access to valuable data and services. This supports the development of apps with enhanced features and user-centric design.

Consuming RESTful APIs And Handling JSON Data

Plenty of modern APIs follow the RESTful architectural style. In order to ensure smooth API integration, you need to master the REST principles and JSON data consumption. It’s a prevalent format for exchanging data among APIs.

8. Security Awareness

Security is one thing that cannot be compromised at any cost in the current digital era. Here is how you can write secure PHP code:

Secure Coding Practices

Practice secure coding methods to avoid web weaknesses such as XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) and SQL injection. Hackers target these vulnerabilities to insert malicious code into your app, which can compromise user data or user sessions. To lower these risks, include input validation, prepared statements, and user input sanitization. Following secure coding practices helps develop applications resistant to attacks and safeguard user data.

Password Hashing and Access Control

Password security is very important. Avoid storing passwords in plain text. Instead, apply hashing methods like bcrypt for one-way encryption. Also, access controls should be established to limit unauthorized entry to vital data and functions. This allows only approved users to access specific application features.

9. Command-Line Interface (CLI) Scripting

PHP scripting extends beyond web development. The command-line interface (CLI) provides a strong environment for automating tasks:

Automating Tasks

Develop PHP scripts for automating tasks that don’t require web browsers. These codes engage databases, file systems, and diverse tools, simplifying repetitive tasks and boosting productivity. Using frameworks such as Symfony Console or developing your own command-line scripts can enhance your automation abilities. CLI scripting streamlines repetitive tasks, freeing time and energy to deal with more complex issues.

10. Soft Skills and Continuous Learning

Technical expertise is one of the aspects of building a successful PHP career. However, there are other factors that demand equal attention. Let’s have a look at them:

Communication And Collaboration

It’s important to communicate well and effectively when working with clients, designers, and other developers. It’s crucial to explain technical concepts clearly, solve problems for non-technical people, and work well in teams. Good communication skills help you work with different stakeholders and keep everyone aligned during development.

Problem-Solving Skills

  • Every developer needs to identify and solve problems effectively. In PHP development, unexpected challenges are common. Improving your problem-solving abilities helps you overcome these challenges systematically. You analyze solutions and choose the best course of action. Strengthening these skills helps you overcome obstacles and complete projects successfully.

Final Word

In this article, we discussed 10 valuable skills needed to stand out in the market and become a successful developer. Many companies are looking to hire PHP developers, and you can crack the role with the right skills. Continue to work on your technical abilities, stay informed about the latest advancements, and maintain consistency. Adaptability is key in the ever-changing digital era. Always be ready to learn and maintain the spirit.

Looking To Hire Dedicated PHP Developers

At AIS Technolabs, we are a team of proficient web developers with expertise in web development. We offer a wide range of PHP development services to help businesses of all sizes.

Why Choose AIS?

  • Budget-friendly Options: We understand the importance of financial constraints in businesses and offer high-standard PHP solutions at an affordable price.
  • Expert PHP Developers: Our expert team includes certified PHP developers who are well-versed in PHP frameworks and deliver strong and scalable solutions.
Ready to level up? Contact us today to discuss your PHP development needs.


You can hire PHP developers from AIS Technolabs, a reputable development company specializing in PHP development services. They offer skilled professionals to meet your project requirements.

The cost to hire a PHP developer varies based on factors like experience and location, ranging from $20 to $150 per hour or more, with an average monthly salary of around $4000 to $8000.

Hire dedicated PHP developers to ensure specialized expertise for efficiently developing and maintaining PHP-based projects.

To hire the best PHP developers, define clear job requirements, use reputable job boards and platforms, conduct thorough interviews, assess technical skills and experience, and prioritize candidates with strong communication and problem-solving abilities.

A PHP programmer develops web apps using PHP, a server-side scripting language. They write code, debug, maintain, and optimize PHP-based websites and web apps for functionality and performance.
CEO at AIS Technolabs
Sunny Chawla

CEO at AIS Technolabs

Sunny Chawla is a CEO at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App Design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. He is having expertise in Digital Marketing, Game Development & Product Development.

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