Case Studies

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app feature

Uber Clone App

Modernize your traditional taxi business with uber clone app. The taxi app that your customers love to use. This white label taxi script allows your users to book rides using rich user interface and advanced features. On-demand taxi app made booking easy and quick and helped your business to reach a wider audience.

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Poker game is built with the customized script and available in both 2D and 3D. The game is design using the latest technology and features with stunning UI design and real-time accessibility, which simply amazes the player.

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Mobile Application

We built an amazing mobile app to help people gather important information about fishing to improve their fishing yield. The app enables the fishers, fishing agencies, and people who are interested in fishing to track the data with a wide range of parameters and boost the productivity of their fishing trips.

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mobile application
seo for hotel marketing

SEO For Hotel Marketing

A hotel based in New York, USA currently welcomes the online visitors with a clean and responsive website. As the client wanted to increase the conversion rate, we offered them a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that included online marketing activities, brand promotion online, reputation management, and search engine marketing. Our digital marketing services helped them boost their ROI and make huge profits. With our tailored online marketing solutions, the hotel website gets a great exposure online to attract new guests and enjoy repeated sales from existing clients.

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Customer Success Stories
