Face sharing
Share your Apple watch’s face setup with others via Messages, Mail or Safari. The person, who receives your watch’s setup, gets guidance by the app itself and learns how to get it.
Multiple complications per app
Each app on Apple Watch can now offer multiple watch face complications, instead of just one per app.
Cycling directions
This is something we already looked at in the iOS 14 Maps feature; the same goes here as well.
Sleep tracking
You can now track your regular sleep schedule with Apple Watch. The Watch can automatically detect when you are sleeping and records the data accordingly, allowing you to track your sleep time effectively.
Handwashing detection
Cool! The Apple Watch can now recognize when you are washing your hands, with using the accelerometer and looks for corresponding motions. The microphone listens to the sounds of scrubbing and begins an automatic countdown timer to ensure you have washed your hands for 20 seconds.
Privacy Changes
1) Approximate location
If you do not want your app to know your pin-point location, you can now set your approximate location by providing the required access through new changes with iOS 14.
2) Mic/Camera indicator
You will be now notified if any app is accessing your microphone or camera, which can be for a good or not good cause. You receive an on-screen indicator if something happens so.
3) Simplified privacy policies
IOS app developers will now have to share a simple glimpse of what data they share with third-parties, to users. Users can view such summaries in the iOS/macOS app store before they download a particular app.