Too Early To Decide A Clear Winner Web Development Or App Development

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Quick Summary

Are you looking for building your own website? Do you want to create your mobile app to engage the users? The web development has a broad meaning and the web development services include server side coding, client side coding, and the database technology. You may also be looking for creating a mobile app for your business. The web development vs. application development is now a buzz word, and it has no meaning in the greater sense. The two are entirely different in the sense and usage. You need a web development company to host your website. It’s not an apps development job.

The Mobile World

In the mobile world, there is frantic fight to understand which one is better web development or mobile app development? The answer is :

What your domain is. If you are developing a mobile app that will stay, and a value addition then goes for mobile application development, but the catch is an average life of a mobile app is around one month, and then it get lost of thousands of apps in the queue in the respective app stores.

On the other hand, if you go for designing a web application for your client it will stay. Therefore, the question of deciding web development or mobile app development is a strategic issue at a personal level and a matter of skill at a company level.

The Developers’ World

The developer’s world is divided between the dilemmas of choosing platforms. But, as the things stand today the emerging field is web development for mobile. The advantage of the mobile websites is that the software is hosted on the internet. It is not restricted to the mobile or tabs or OS specific. And the upgrades are instant and you don’t have to download any update in your device. It is less expensive to develop than app development and can do the analytics part.

The Required Skill Set

The issue is not comparing one with the other. The issue is not web or mobile app; the main issue is the strength of the developer. You should look for the best talented and skilled web developers to create your site and help you achieve your business goals.

If you go through the skill set of an established company, you will see that they have developers who are using tools like PHP, Ruby on Rails, Ajax, HTML5, ASP.NET, Cloud Fusion and much more. They are using frameworks like Codeigniter, CakePHP, Zend and others and the open source platforms like Drupal, WordPress, Joomla and others.

It indicates the versatility of the team and the strength of the developers. If you can master the prowess and strength like this, you can quickly assess which one is a better option. The web development vs. software development become relevant in the sense that the web development rates are much lower than software development for a particular device or platform, because of the version change problem and subsequent maintenance of the software.

The Final Position

The final position is that there is not yet a clean winner. The present craze of getting apps in mobile is rising. The bubble will subside a little like every bubble because the Smartphone is comparatively new. And the cost of a good Smartphone is now climbing down, and new clients are getting added to the total user base.

Naturally, once you get a new gadget, you will explore every possible way to use your prized collection. Apparently, demand for apps will remain for the time being. But, once the craze subsides the picture will be clear.

It is not an intelligent idea to start a blog as web dev vs. app dev just now because the consumer will decide what is going to rule the market. Another storm is brewing and expected to strike the market soon is IoT or Internet of Things. Once it hits the coast, the user pattern and technology of the day will decide the winner.

Till then keep your finger crossed. But, remember web development will stay and for your requirement connect to web development India.

AIS Technolabs has huge expertise in web and mobile app development for different industry verticals. The expert web and mobile app developers have worked with a lot of startups, small and large companies to build feature-rich websites and mobile applications. No matter what your requirements may be, we will help you with the best website development and mobile app development solutions within your budget. Talk to us today. 
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Harry Walsh

Technical Innovator

Harry Walsh, a dynamic technical innovator with four years of experience, thrives on pushing the boundaries of technology. His passion for innovation drives him to explore new avenues and create pioneering solutions that address complex technical problems with ingenuity and efficiency. Driven by a love for tackling problems and thinking creatively, he always looks for new and innovative answers to challenges.

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