Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Android App Development than iOS

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Smartphones are literally flooding the mobile market mainly for the reason that people want to avail themselves of countless apps to make their life infinitely easy. This has given rise to the ever-growing demand for Android app developments. All IT companies the world over are keeping separate divisions specially for mobile developments. But the major issue that all mobile developers are faced with is which platform to use. There are many operating systems out there but, if you are a developer, there are reasons enough for you to go for Android app development instead of iOS or Windows or Blackberry. The present article offers 7 reasons for that
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Android Devices Having Greater Market Share

Statistics show that it is the Android app developments which are largely responsible for the market share of devices which support Android. They considerably enhance the functionality of these devices. These devices too are designed in such a way that optimum advantage can be reaped from Android app developments.

Android Studio

A new integrated development environment from Google, Android Studio is based on IntelliJ and can be used for making all kinds of apps and Wearables.

It is meant for facilitating the task of building apps with remarkable speed. Speed apart, this new technology is extremely efficient and allows the builders to start new projects in just few seconds. In these respects it is way ahead of Eclipse.

With this tool in your hand you can not only review your app layout in real time for editing work, it also allows you to preview the results on multiple screens, automate your builds, and check out their performance and version compatibility.

Finally, this IDE can be seamlessly integrated with Cloud.

Support for JAVA

In order to use Android platform you do not have to learn a specific programming language that suits it. You can exploit JAVA to make all sorts of apps that can get along with different devices and platforms. In this it differes from iOS which supports only Objective C and Swift – languages that can be used only for building native apps which can be used only on Apple devices. Having said that, it must be added that Apple has announced to make Swift open source very soon.

Google Play Store

A wonderful place, indeed, to showcase your apps in! The apps you design on Android can easily be accessed here by the end-users. because it does not take much time for them to download. Apps in Apple's store takes days to download.

Let alone the downloading time, the apps on Google's platform allows publishers to execute staged publishing of their apps so that they may expose them to limited number of users specifically with the purpose of getting their feedback in order to introduce whatever improvements they require. This method enables them to increase their chances of success with their target market and maximize the use of their product. Growing number of businesses nowadays choose to put out alpha and beta versions of their apps for testing purpose.

Smooth Transition to Other Platforms

The platform Android provides is truly great for building apps since apps built on the platform provided by it can easily be transported to other systems, such as Chrome OS, Ubuntu, Symbian, etc. How much Android app development is gaining ground can be assessed from the fact that Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 devices will facilitate porting Android apps.


Android app development is far more cost effective than the builds which are meant for iOS devices. This is because it is supported by Windows, Mac and Linux. If you want to build an app for iOS devices, then you must have Mac. And once your app is ready, you will have to showcase it on Apple App Store which annually charges $99 to register with it as a developer. In comparison, you have to pay only one time payment of $25.

Better ROI

There are more users of smartphones which support Android app developments. This is because these mobile devices are not so costly as Apple devices. Another thing, more and more users prefer Android apps and games. One big reason behind this is that these hold high level of compatibility on other devices and platforms. Therefore, you stand the chance of reaping greater benefit in terms of revenue. It is up to offer it for initial or in-app purchase.

Another way it cuts cost is that you spend less to advertise them on Android devices than you would if you choose to build apps for iOS devices.

Now can you see how beneficial it is to go for Android app development ? It increases your chances of achieving great ROI.
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Harry Walsh

Technical Innovator

Harry Walsh, a dynamic technical innovator with four years of experience, thrives on pushing the boundaries of technology. His passion for innovation drives him to explore new avenues and create pioneering solutions that address complex technical problems with ingenuity and efficiency. Driven by a love for tackling problems and thinking creatively, he always looks for new and innovative answers to challenges.

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