The Ultimate Guide to Laravel Development: Features, Benefits and Hiring Laravel Developers

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Ultimate Guide to Laravel Development

Quick Summary

Laravel has become a prominent name in web development. This open-source PHP framework assists programmers in creating intricate web apps with greater ease due to its collection of predefined codes and features. 

Laravel simplifies the coding process, giving developers a chance to focus on designing special features and practical scenarios specific to your project. This blog will help you understand more about Laravel and the need to hire Laravel developers who can utilise it to develop efficient web apps.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source, very flexible PHP web framework. From authentication to routing, Laravel makes complex tasks easy so that developers can concentrate on creating great user experiences. Its expressive syntax and extensive documentation make it a favourite among developers worldwide.

Key Features of Laravel

The latest update of Laravel, i.e., Laravel 10, has lots of exciting features that make it irresistible for any website development project. Here are its highlights: 
  • Improved Eloquent ORM: The object-relational Mapper (ORM) provides a less complicated way of dealing with databases.
  • Laravel Sanctum: This built-in feature makes API authentication easier.
  • Laravel Jetstream: This package streamlines the development of user authentication, authorisation, and other common functionalities.
  • Blade Component improvements: Building reusable UI components becomes easier with enhanced Blade component features.

Benefits of Using Laravel for Web Development

There are many benefits to using Laravel for your web development project. Some of these include: 
  • Faster Development: The pre-built functionalities and features within Laravel can significantly reduce development time.
  • Security: Laravel incorporates security best practices to help mitigate vulnerabilities and protect your application.
  • Scalability: The framework is designed to handle growing user bases and application complexity.
  • Large Community: A vast developer community provides extensive resources, tutorials, and support.
  • Cost-effective: As an open-source platform, Laravel gets away with licensing costs therefore offering a cost-friendly option.

The Development Process with Laravel

When you hire dedicated Laravel developers, they usually adhere to an organised process for creating web applications that involve:
  • Project planning and requirement gathering: Understanding your specific needs and goals for the application.
  • System design and architecture: Designing the application's structure and data flow.
  • Development: Building the application functionalities using Laravel features and functionalities.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorously testing the application to ensure it functions as intended.
  • Deployment and Maintenance: Launch the application and provide ongoing maintenance and support.

Laravel Developers and Their Role in Web Development

When you hire dedicated Laravel developers, they have a good understanding of the Laravel framework. They utilize the capabilities of this framework to create web applications that are safe and easy for users to operate. These developers are proficient in areas like:
  • Backend development: They handle the server-side logic and functionalities of the application.
  • Database management:  When you hire dedicated Laravel developers, they construct and oversee databases to keep and fetch data used by the application.
  • API development: They develop APIs, which are application programming interfaces so that other programs can communicate with the Laravel application.
  • Security: They implement security measures to protect the application from vulnerabilities.

Hiring Laravel Developers: In-house vs. Outsourcing

After understanding what Laravel development is, the next important step is hiring Laravel developers for your company. You can choose either to create an in-house team for your company or to give the work to an expert Laravel development firm outside. Both options offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. However, the best choice depends on your specific project needs and resources.

Building an In-House Team

  • Direct control and oversight over the development process.
  • Fosters a deeper understanding of your project within the team.
  • Easier collaboration and communication, especially for ongoing projects.

  • Lengthy recruitment and onboarding process to find skilled Laravel developers.
  • Significant investment in salaries, benefits, and workplace infrastructure.
  • Limited talent pool, depending on your geographical location.

Outsourcing to a Laravel Development Company

  • Access to a wider pool of experienced Laravel developers.
  • A cost-effective solution, often with lower overall development expenses.
  • The development company handles recruitment, onboarding, and infrastructure.

  • Potential communication challenges due to time zone differences or language barriers.
  • Less direct control over the development process compared to an in-house team.
  • Requires thorough vetting of outsourcing companies to ensure quality and expertise.
  • Build high-end web apps with AIS Technolabs Laravel experts.
  • Get in Touch

Why Choose AIS Technolabs to Hire Laravel Developers?

At AIS Technolabs, we have years of experience and expertise in Laravel Development. Our team of dedicated developers is well-versed in the latest trends and technologies related to Laravel 10. 

Additionally, we offer a 15-day risk-free trial so you can easily evaluate the developer's abilities and how well they fit with your project. Additionally, our refund policy and change of developer options for dedicated projects also ensure your peace of mind. 


Laravel is an excellent framework for creating efficient and adaptive web applications. Whether you decide to create your in-house or hire dedicated Laravel developers from a well-known firm, your team must have the necessary tools and skill set to meet the objectives of your project.


The top 10 benefits of using Laravel 10 are: 
  • Elegant Syntax and MVC Architecture
  • Blade Templating Engine
  • Artisan Console
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Built-in Libraries and Modular Packaging
  • Middleware for HTTP Requests
  • Testing and Debugging Tools
  • Security Features
  • Improved Routing Speed 
  • Enhanced Reliability 

It is difficult to specify one company, but industries such as online shopping, finance, technology, and software as a service provide decent pay for skilled Laravel developers. Companies like AIS Technolabs also offer attractive compensation packages to these programmers, and they have a proven track record.

To hire Laravel developers for your business, you may look at internet job platforms or connect through professional sites such as LinkedIn or Indeed. Employment agencies might also assist in hiring qualified candidates.

The best places to store uploaded files in Laravel include: 
  • Local storage: Good for smaller files or temporary storage, but consider scalability and security for larger applications.
  • Cloud storage: Offers secure and scalable solutions for uploaded files (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage).
  • Database storage: This can be an option for small files or metadata associated with uploaded files, but it is not ideal for large files due to performance limitations.

You can approach reputable development companies with experience in projects similar to yours. Consider their development process, communication style, and client testimonials. Hiring dedicated Laravel developers from AIS Technolabs allows you to use a skilled team without managing an in-house team. 
CEO at AIS Technolabs
Sunny Chawla

CEO at AIS Technolabs

Sunny Chawla is a CEO at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App Design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. He is having expertise in Digital Marketing, Game Development & Product Development.

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