Full Stack Backend Developer

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A website has a sum of layers—structure, design, content and functionality. The area which contains the technology and programming that power the site, which the end user doesn’t see is called the back end. It consists of the server, the database and the server side applications.A full stack backend developer is a expert who can work on the both frontend as well backend. Typically, the back end is the brain of the site where the main functionality occurs pertaining to the site. The user doesn’t see or interact with it directly, but the back end runs the site and is always running behind-the-scenes delivering a smooth desktop-like experience by sending the information from the database to the browser.

What does it mean to be back-end developer ?

The work of an expert full stack backend developer starts where the front end developer finishes. The finished front end product is taken and given a working functionality by the back-end developer. Full stack application development team focuses on using an array of programming languages and frameworks in order to build strong server-side software. The most popular and the common back-end technologies include and our developers work with are: Ruby, Java, C#, Python, PHP, Perl, Erlang, and Node.js

Our Full Stack Development Process

understanding requirements

  • Get in touch with our client to know

  • Understand client’s needs

  • Comprehend the client’s business and its current process

wireframing and designing

  • Preparing blueprint structure

  • Designing each app screen

  • Start designing the entire app


  • Start testing the app

  • Fixing bugs if found any to make the app smoother

  • Get final review from client’s end

support and maintenance

  • Support Team

  • Maintenance

  • Review

proposing solution

  • Proposing Solution

  • Suggesting the best solution in terms

  • Finalizing the suggested solution

  • Preparing blueprint structure


  • Start developing the app

  • Develop main functions and sections

  • Get it reviewed from the client


  • It’s time to deploy the app to App Store

  • Hand-over to client and deploy to client’s server

  • Finally, the app is ready to use for users

Our Engagement Models

Different Industries We Serve

ecommerce and shopping
eCommerce and Shopping
on demand
health and fitness
Health and Fitness
education and learning
Education and Learning
real estate
Real Estate
health care
Health Care
food and drink
Food & Drink

How we differ ?

Although there is a lot of skilled workforce in the marketplace, we have a slight differentiation factor that gives us an edge over our competitors. Before, our full stack backend developers begin writing the code; they start by understanding both your business and your business environment and its needs to clearly translate those particular needs into the technical requirements. For this reason, we have been successful in embedding efficient solutions in the architecture of our clients’ products. In addition to this, our full stack back-end developers are the ones who love to work on the back end development love what they do, and as a team we see each other’s passion translating on the job towards better products and better outcome.

Customer Success Stories
